Complete your Statement of Health online
We need you [and your spouse/dependents(dynamically populate for appropriate scenarios)] to fill out a Statement of Health form [for yourself and your dependents (dynamically populate ONLY if user is able to fill out SOH for everyone) ], for one of these reasons:
- You’ve applied for additional coverage
- You’ve applied for coverage outside of the benefits enrollment timeframe
- Your plan's policy requires it
What you need to know:
- This will take approximately <x> minutes.
- We’ll be asking for:
- Your contact information
- Details about your health, including past or current illness and any prescriptions you take
- [Contact information for your spouse and dependents (over age 18) information (dynamically populate for appropriate scenarios)]
- [Your doctor’s contact information (dynamically populate for appropriate scenarios)]
- [Once you finish, you’ll need to print a completed copy and mail to MetLife.(dynamically populate for appropriate scenarios)]
- [If you prefer, you can print a paper copy and mail to MetLife, but this will take longer to process..(dynamically populate for appropriate scenarios)]
- [Your spouse and dependents must complete their own Statement of Health as well. Once you finish yours, we’ll ask for their email and send them a link so they can go ahead and submit their own form..(dynamically populate for appropriate scenarios)]
Please complete your statement of health lorem ipsum dolar sit.
James Madison
- Supplemental Life Coverage
- Complete Online Now
- Total coverage requested$500,000
- Additional coverage requested$200,000
- Guaranteed coverage through your employer$300,000
- Long Term Disability Coverage
- Total coverage requested$250,000
- Additional coverage requested$250,000
Your will need to complete a statement of health for your Spouse / Domestic Partner.
James Madison
- Supplemental Life Coverage
- Complete Online Now
- Total coverage requested$500,000
- Additional coverage requested$200,000
Your will need to complete a statement of health for your dependents.